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Showing 15

Ability to see predicted cloud spend for month

We can do an ML forecast for months ahead, but I can't see a way of saying 'it's mid June and we've spent X on this service, what are we likely to spend by the end of June'. The ML forecasts for months either don't update often or don't consider p...
almost 3 years ago in Cloud Analytics / Forecast 0 Investigating

Assign AWS account to specific OU during account creation in CMP

As a customer I would like to be able to assign AWS account to a specific Organizational Unit during creation process in Cloud Management Platform.
almost 3 years ago in Core Platform / Assets 0 Investigating

Can you please a date to the job from the BigQuery Explorer?

When you click on your project in 'BigQuery Explorer', and click on a query, can you add the latest date or date that the job was run? I just see the job id.
almost 3 years ago in Core Platform / BigQuery Lens 0 Investigating

Print out/export ticket

It would be nice to have a way to print out the ticket flow so we can document it in our own ticketing system.
almost 3 years ago in Core Platform / Support Portal 0 Investigating

Support quota notification in "Slack Notifications"

Slack notification supports only cost anomalies and cloud known issues. Please add quota notifications and maybe the other notification type CMP supports.
about 3 years ago in Core Platform / Collaboration 0 Investigating