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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 29, 2022

Make reports more readable and less cluttered

Please see or go/ticket/95516 for detailed description and images related to the customer notes below:

The graphs are really hard to understand and introduce pricing models that don't really make sense.

Let's try something simple, here's a supposed graph:
Note that I've enabled only one sku (Commitment v1: Cpu in Montreal for 3 Year) by clicking a thing at the bottom -- the UX for this thing at the bottom is horrible, sometimes it shows only 2 items at a time, but right now it shows 2x2. There's plenty of space to put the ▲▼ to the left of the list and get me an extra row (for at least 2x3)

Why in the world is the scale showing me -C$5? Costs are always positive for SKUs in our world.
Why is there a supplementary X-axis with `-C$0`? What value does that yield for me? -- If you wanted to do a thing, it should really be `C$0`, not `-C$0`. At most, these aren't negative zero dollars, they're positive zero dollars. But, really I don't need to see either `-C$0` or `C$0`, I can easily infer that any slot w/o an item is `0`. That visual clutter hurts the readability of the graph.

Here's that same chart
This time, I've enabled three skus (Commitment v1: Cpu in Montreal for 3 Year, Flexsave Commitment v1: Cpu in Montreal for 1 Year, N1 Predefined Instance Core running in Montreal):

It feels like what I'm seeing is not a "we're using too many resources", but "for some reason your resource use changed billing buckets" -- presumably from a cheap bucket (Flexsave / 1 Year) to an expensive one (N1). And then oddly for the weekend, we got a 3 Year bucket (which presumably is even cheaper) along w/ our expensive bucket (N1), but none of the cheap Flexsave / 1 Year).

Since I'm already losing time looking at this graph, I don't think it makes much sense to use `C$0.9` instead of `C$0.90`:

Humans don't think in tenths of a dollar, they think in dollars and cents, and thus expect to see `$0.90`... just as we see `C$0.66` or `C$0.84` across the graph elements.

Also, while it's technically true that the dollars are Canadian dollars. *All* items in the chart should be in Canadian dollars, and wasting space for `C` adds zero value, in fact it's incredibly expensive from a brain perspective.
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